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Hello all,
after much mind-bending, procrastinating and guessing, I've set the retail price of the EXCALIBUR Cortina Mk II Lotus at £74.99 per model.
This is all down to the £/$ exchange rate, as the Chinese like to be paid in $ USD. The £ seems to be going through a reasonably stable state at the moment, after the huge fall caused by Brexit.
So, the price is now set at £74.99 for all my website & magazine advert customers NOT Ebay. If you want either/both of these models, you'd be advised to let me know ASAP as there's only 70 EXC 1 and 30 EXC 1a.
Pre-orders to date are: EXC 1 = 7 (balance 63 left).
EXC 1a = 7 (balance 23 left)
I haven't started to promote these models fully, yet, and I've still got the MK II Cortina Owners Club + the Lotus club to notify.
Customers buying EXC 1 and or 1a will automatically be given PRIORITY, should they wish to order EXC 2 & EXC 2a = the Mk 1 Vauxhall Cavalier.
See separate listings for initial details.
Regards to all,
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